Monday March 5th Update
Monday proved to be a long yet great day of work. We accomplished a large amount of work. Elangwe (director of the school) and I went and met with the people who are going to come train the students how to raise snails in cages. They said that they would come to the school tomorrow to help us start getting set up. We also were able to locate and view several sets of rabbits. We cleared the area where we are going to put the rabbits and snails and all the students helped when they finished with Brother Johnson’s lectures on 2 Corinthians. Tomorrow we are going after school to the jungle to gather Indian Bamboo for building a shelter for our animals. I am very excited and optimistic because the students are very hard workers and really want to learn what I am teaching them. I truly believe that this work is going to have a great impact on their lives. I am putting a picture here of the area we cleared behind the school today where our rabbits and snail cages are going to be.