August Update
We are continuing on with our work as usual. We are currently planning on traveling to Ho, Ghana in West Africa next month. We will be teaching how to raise peppers and tomatoes and working to improve the schools farm. I am looking forward to our time there. We are also working here stateside to develop a system for growing strawberries vertically. We have begun construction of our miniature strawberry farm where we intend on growing 80 strawberry plants per square foot as compared to 1 strawberry plant per square foot grown traditionally. We plan on traveling in the early part of next year to Kenya, the Philippines, and Haiti. I also have been invited to go to southern Tanzania. I have received many invites to teach abroad but because of time and money cannot help all who are requesting us to come and teach. After much prayer and discussion with our elders here in Vidor, we are now raising the funds to bring on two more men that will be trained by me to teach around the world. We are looking for 600 donors to give at least $25 a month. This will provide money for salaries and travel for these men. If you know anyone that would like to help us, please let us know. Please keep praying for our work.