A Note from the Director of Manna Project
Dear Supporters and Friends of the Manna Project,
Greetings from Oklahoma, Texas, Africa, Asia, and from literally all over the world! I find it amazing on nearly a daily basis the impact that we have been able to make in some of the farthest and most remote parts of the world. God has continued to open doors just when it seems that everything is shut down due to COVID and corrupt governments.
In just the last few months we have literally seen an explosion of converts in Uganda as our team has been reaching new villages in both Uganda and across the border in the dangerous country of DR Congo. Our workers are risking physical danger daily so that they can spread the soul-saving message of Jesus. There have been over 315 baptisms in this place this year! Even though the school in Uganda has had to shut its doors because the Government has closed all the schools in the country, we have not let us slow down the work of the Lord. God is Good!
Our school in Talawanda, Tanzania has been operating for several months and has been doing great. We decided to allow non-Christian men to attend with the hopes that we can convert them in the first quarter of school by having them attend classes aimed at teaching them the truth. It has worked! So far we have had five of eight non-Christian men obey the gospel! We have had to expand the size of our housing for students at Talawanda because our enrollment has grown so much.
The school in Cameroon has continued to go on regardless of the fact that there is a civil war going on around them. They have to be very careful but God continues to bless this work.
We are currently in the process of trying to get a new work set up in South America. We hope to report soon to you that this has been accomplished!
Without great supporters like you, our work would not exist. Thank you so much for partnering with us to spread the message of Jesus to the whole world!
In Christ,
Gage Coldwater