Talawanda School of Preaching Update
During our recent trip to Tanzania, Kelly and I were able to visit our newest school we are building which is located on the eastern coast of Tanzania. We began clearing the land and construction earlier this year and the progress that has been made is nothing short of remarkable. Maurice Gasper, who has worked with the Manna Project for 6 years, has been leading this project and will be the Director of the school once it opens. He has worked without complaint consistently since the work began.
The school building is about 3/4 of the way finished. The student housing, which is comprised of five round cottages are quickly being constructed as well. Each married student is going to be able to bring their entire immediate family with them to school. Most of the school structures will be finished by the end of November. This is amazing because each and every brick going into these structures have been built by hand and fired on location!
The school farm is progressing nicely with many farm projects currently underway. We own 13 acres at Talawanda which was covered in thick brush and trees. We have even harvested one crop of corn off of the land planted a second crop! We have chickens, Muscovy ducks, and soon we will have piglets delivered to the farm. We have roughly one acre already in cultivation in the form of raised bed gardens. We plan to plant fruit trees all along the edges of the property and around the buildings.
Maurice has requested that I tell all the supporters of the Manna Project “thanks for their support!”
I am very excited about the work this school will do training men to be self-supported preachers!