Notes from our academic director
This summer has been quite an interesting ride to be sure. We began the year with a full calendar, which has now been wiped clean. My work with our three schools of preaching in Africa has looked a bit different than we had planned. There is still no indication as to when we might be able to return to Africa in person, but thanks be to God for His bountiful blessings, the amazing tools that our modern age has provided have allowed us to stay in constant contact with the brethren there and to provide resources, encouragement, and support from afar.
As a whole, it seems the biggest challenge that Africa is facing due to the Coronavirus is the starvation caused by the onerous lockdowns. It has been encouraging to receive the many reports from our graduates that because of the farming skills that they have learned and applied that their families are doing okay, and they even have extra food to share with others suffering in their villages. This has opened many doors to the Gospel, and for me, it validates the importance of what we are doing.
THANK YOU for your continued fellowship in this work, which I now believe more than ever, is doing great things to grow the Kingdom of God in difficult times and places.