Nepal Trip
In several hours Torrey Clark, Randy Gaddy, and myself (Gage Coldwater) will embark on the first leg of our expedition to the Mountains of Nepal to deliver earthquake relief goods and funds. It has been a difficult trip so far as Torrey and Randy have endured canceled flights and diverted flights just to get to Houston today to fly to Dubai and then on to Kathmandu. I am overwhelmed with the outpouring of financial support that has been sent to us to help the brethren in Nepal begin rebuilding their lives. To date, we have raised over $50,000 for this great work. We plan on traveling deep into the Himalayan Mountains to take rice, oil, tents, salt, sugar, lentils, face masks, and other goods to help these poor stricken brethren and their neighbors. This is a great opportunity to reach out with the Good News about Jesus Christ through kindness and generosity. Im reminded of what a favorite preacher of mine once said ,”People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”